1 Core message
In the 1st place, you need to know the merchandise itself is not the key at all. It is just a carrier of the message you intend to spread out. A brand is about stories telling and the lifestyle, feeling or passion that you hook up with the subject. You can tell in many ways but always stick to the core. What you want to tell people matters...

2 Design ability
Knowing how to create nice graphics is not enough. The t-shirt with a print, mostly, is the carrier of your message. It is essential to link with a message (can be you feeling, a point of view, story, etc...) for each of your creation. Of course, you can create anything at free will. But without the sense of structuring, your work is simply an artwork and becomes more difficult to commercialize.
3 Target audience
Again, it is all about message delivery. So, it is important to identify who you are speaking to. Before talking about selling products, it is more important to know who is interested in these messages. It is like a filter, buying is the leftover of what is being filtered. I am not talking about creating something you think that fits the market. It should be a topic with sufficient audience that interests and suits you. This is more than making a product, an item with commercial value requires user endorsement.
4 Mental preparation
Building a brand is a long-term hard work. Nowadays, it is possible that your name blast overnight and all of a sudden you become famous. However, don’t be egocentric. As the world changes really fast and your success could be a flash. So, be humble and try your best to create value for the one who loves your work. For the ones who do not get results, keep on learning and improving.
If you believe you are well prepared with the above, you are ready to step on the journey of building your brand.
Welcome to contact me for further discussion on creating a brand.